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Data Visualization with Python

Introduction to Data Visualization

Benefits of visualization:

Introduction to Matplotlib

Read: Matplotlib by John Hunter

The Matplotlib architecture is composed of three main layers:

Using Artist Layer to generate a histogram:

# Import the FigureCanvas from the backend of your choice
#  and attach the Figure artist to it.
from matplotlib.backends.backend_agg import FigureCanvasAgg as FigureCanvas
from matplotlib.figure import Figure
fig = Figure()
canvas = FigureCanvas(fig)

# Import the numpy library to generate the random numbers.
import numpy as np
x = np.random.randn(10000)

# Now use a figure method to create an Axes artist; the Axes artist is
#  added automatically to the figure container fig.axes.
# Here "111" is from the MATLAB convention: create a grid with 1 row and 1
#  column, and use the first cell in that grid for the location of the new
#  Axes.
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)

# Call the Axes method hist to generate the histogram; hist creates a
#  sequence of Rectangle artists for each histogram bar and adds them
#  to the Axes container.  Here "100" means create 100 bins.
ax.hist(x, 100)

# Decorate the figure with a title and save it.
ax.set_title('Normal distribution with $\mu=0, \sigma=1$')

Using Scripting Layer to do the same:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

x = np.random.randn(10000)
plt.hist(x, 100)
plt.title(r'Normal distribution with $\mu=0, \sigma=1$')

Ploting with Matplotlib

%matplotlib notebook
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

plt.plot(5, 5, 'o')

Matplotlib - Pandas

Another thing that is great about Matplotlib is that pandas also has a built-in implementation of it.

Jupyter Notebook: Introduction to Matplotlib and Line Plot

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Basic Visualization Tools

Area Plots

import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt['ggplot'])  # for ggplot-like style

df_can.sort_values(by='Total', ascending=False, axis=0, inplace=True)
df_top7 = df_can.head(7)
df_top7 = df_top7[years].transpose()
df_top7.index =

df_top7.plot(kind='area', alpha=0.45, figsize=(14, 8)) # pass a tuple (x, y) size

plt.title('Immigration Trend of Top 7 Countries')
plt.ylabel('Number of Immigrants')


A histogram is a graph that shows the frequency of numerical data using rectangles. The height of a rectangle (the vertical axis) represents the distribution frequency of a variable (the amount, or how often that variable appears). The width of the rectangle (horizontal axis) represents the value of the variable (for instance, minutes, years, or ages).

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

df_can['2013'].plot(kind='hist', figsize=(14, 8))
plt.title('Histogram of Immigration from 195 countries in 2013')
plt.ylabel('Number of Countries')
plt.xlabel('Number of Immigrants')

A histogram that depicts the distribution of immigration to Canada in 2013, but notice how the bins are not aligned with the tick marks on the horizontal axis. This can make the histogram hard to read.

One way to solve this issue is to borrow the histogram function from the Numpy library. What histogram does:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

count, bin_edges = np.histogram(df_can['2013'])

df_can['2013'].plot(kind='hist', xticks = bin_edges, figsize=(14, 8))
plt.title('Histogram of Immigration from 195 countries in 2013')
plt.ylabel('Number of Countries')
plt.xlabel('Number of Immigrants')

Bar Charts

A bar chart is a very popular visualization tool. Unlike a histogram, a bar chart also known as a bar graph is a type of plot where the length of each bar is proportional to the value of the item that it represents. It is commonly used to compare the values of a variable at a given point in time.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
years = list(map(str, range(1980, 2014)))

df_china = df_can.loc['China', years]

df_china.plot(kind='bar', figsize=(14, 8))
plt.title('Chinese Immigrants to Canada from 1980 to 2013')
plt.ylabel('Number of Immigrants')

Jupyter Notebook: Area Plots, Histograms, Bar Charts

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Specialized Visualization Tools

Pie Charts

df_continents = df_can.groupby('Continent', axis=0).sum()
# print(df_continents.head(6))

colors_list = ['gold', 'yellowgreen', 'lightcoral', 'lightskyblue', 'lightgreen', 'pink']
explode_list = [0.1, 0, 0, 0, 0.1, 0.1] # ratio for each continent with which to offset each wedge.

                            figsize=(15, 8),
                            labels=None,         # turn off labels on pie chart
                            pctdistance=1.12,    # the ratio between the center of each pie slice and the start of the text generated by autopct 
                            colors=colors_list,  # add custom colors
                            explode=explode_list # 'explode' lowest 3 continents

# scale the title up by 12% to match pctdistance
plt.title('Immigration to Canada by Continent [1980 - 2013]', y=1.12) 


# add legend
plt.legend(labels=df_continents.index, loc='upper left')

Box Plots

In descriptive statistics, a box plot or boxplot is a method for graphically demonstrating the locality, spread and skewness groups of numerical data through their quartiles.

The spacings in each subsection of the box-plot indicate the degree of dispersion (spread) and skewness of the data, which are usually described using the five-number summary.

In the most straight-forward method, the boundary of the lower whisker is the minimum value of the data set, and the boundary of the upper whisker is the maximum value of the data set.

Another popular choice for the boundaries of the whiskers is based on the 1.5 IQR value. From above the upper quartile (Q3), a distance of 1.5 times the IQR is measured out and a whisker is drawn up to the largest observed data point from the dataset that falls within this distance.

Similarly, a distance of 1.5 times the IQR is measured out below the lower quartile (Q1) and a whisker is drawn down to the lowest observed data point from the dataset that falls within this distance. Because the whiskers must end at an observed data point, the whisker lengths can look unequal, even though 1.5 IQR is the same for both sides. All other observed data points outside the boundary of the whiskers are plotted as outliers. The outliers can be plotted on the box-plot as a dot, a small circle, a star, etc..

years = list(map(str, range(1980, 2014)))
df_china = df_can.loc[['China'], years].transpose()

df_china.plot(kind='box', figsize=(14, 8))

plt.title('Box Plot of Chinese Immigrants from 1980-2013')
plt.ylabel('Number of Immigrants')

Country China
count 34.000000
mean 19410.647059
std 13568.230790
min 1527.000000
25% 5512.750000
50% 19945.000000
75% 31568.500000
max 42584.000000

Scatter Plots

We can mathematically analyze the trend using a regression line (line of best fit).

Get the equation of line of best fit. We will use Numpy’s polyfit() method by passing in the following:

# we can use the sum() method to get the total population per year
df_tot = pd.DataFrame(df_can[years].sum(axis=0))

# change the years to type int (useful for regression later on)
df_tot.index = map(int, df_tot.index)

# reset the index to put in back in as a column in the df_tot dataframe
df_tot.reset_index(inplace = True)

# rename columns
df_tot.columns = ['year', 'total']

# view the final dataframe

df_tot.plot(kind='scatter', x='year', y='total', figsize=(15, 8), color='darkblue')

plt.title('Total Immigration to Canada from 1980 - 2013')
plt.ylabel('Number of Immigrants')

x = df_tot['year']      # year on x-axis
y = df_tot['total']     # total on y-axis
fit = np.polyfit(x, y, deg=1)

# plot line of best fit
plt.plot(x, fit[0] * x + fit[1], color='red') # recall that x is the Years
plt.annotate('y={0:.0f} x + {1:.0f}'.format(fit[0], fit[1]), xy=(2000, 150000))

# print out the line of best fit
'No. Immigrants = {0:.0f} * Year + {1:.0f}'.format(fit[0], fit[1]) 

No. Immigrants = 5567 * Year + -10926195

Bubble Plots

# transposed dataframe
df_can_t = df_can[years].transpose()

# cast the Years (the index) to type int
df_can_t.index = map(int, df_can_t.index)

# let's label the index. This will automatically be the column name when we reset the index = 'Year'

# reset index to bring the Year in as a column

# view the changes

# normalized Chinese data
norm_china = (df_can_t['China'] - df_can_t['China'].min()) / (df_can_t['China'].max() - df_can_t['China'].min())

# normalized Indian data
norm_india = (df_can_t['India'] - df_can_t['India'].min()) / (df_can_t['India'].max() - df_can_t['India'].min())

# China
ax0 = df_can_t.plot(kind='scatter',
                    figsize=(15, 8),
                    alpha=0.5,  # transparency
                    s=norm_china * 2000 + 10,  # pass in weights 
                    xlim=(1975, 2015)

# India
ax1 = df_can_t.plot(kind='scatter',
                    s=norm_india * 2000 + 10,

ax0.set_ylabel('Number of Immigrants')
ax0.set_title('Immigration from China and India from 1980 to 2013')
ax0.legend(['China', 'India'], loc='upper left', fontsize='x-large')

Jupyter Notebook: Pie, Box, Scatter and Bubble Plots

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Advanced Visualization Tools

Waffle Charts

To create a waffle chart, use function create_waffle_chart which takes the following parameters as input:

  1. categories: Unique categories or classes in dataframe.
  2. values: Values corresponding to categories or classes.
  3. height: Defined height of waffle chart.
  4. width: Defined width of waffle chart.
  5. colormap: Colormap class
  6. value_sign: In order to make our function more generalizable, we will add this parameter to address signs that could be associated with a value such as %, $, and so on. value_sign has a default value of empty string.
def create_waffle_chart(categories, values, height, width, colormap, value_sign=''):

    # compute the proportion of each category with respect to the total
    total_values = sum(values)
    category_proportions = [(float(value) / total_values) for value in values]

    # compute the total number of tiles
    total_num_tiles = width * height # total number of tiles
    print ('Total number of tiles is', total_num_tiles)
    # compute the number of tiles for each catagory
    tiles_per_category = [round(proportion * total_num_tiles) for proportion in category_proportions]

    # print out number of tiles per category
    for i, tiles in enumerate(tiles_per_category):
        print (df_dsn.index.values[i] + ': ' + str(tiles))
    # initialize the waffle chart as an empty matrix
    waffle_chart = np.zeros((height, width))

    # define indices to loop through waffle chart
    category_index = 0
    tile_index = 0

    # populate the waffle chart
    for col in range(width):
        for row in range(height):
            tile_index += 1

            # if the number of tiles populated for the current category 
            # is equal to its corresponding allocated tiles...
            if tile_index > sum(tiles_per_category[0:category_index]):
                # ...proceed to the next category
                category_index += 1       
            # set the class value to an integer, which increases with class
            waffle_chart[row, col] = category_index
    # instantiate a new figure object
    fig = plt.figure()

    # use matshow to display the waffle chart
    colormap =
    plt.matshow(waffle_chart, cmap=colormap)

    # get the axis
    ax = plt.gca()

    # set minor ticks
    ax.set_xticks(np.arange(-.5, (width), 1), minor=True)
    ax.set_yticks(np.arange(-.5, (height), 1), minor=True)
    # add dridlines based on minor ticks
    ax.grid(which='minor', color='w', linestyle='-', linewidth=2)


    # compute cumulative sum of individual categories to match color schemes between chart and legend
    values_cumsum = np.cumsum(values)
    total_values = values_cumsum[len(values_cumsum) - 1]

    # create legend
    legend_handles = []
    for i, category in enumerate(categories):
        if value_sign == '%':
            label_str = category + ' (' + str(values[i]) + value_sign + ')'
            label_str = category + ' (' + value_sign + str(values[i]) + ')'
        color_val = colormap(float(values_cumsum[i])/total_values)
        legend_handles.append(mpatches.Patch(color=color_val, label=label_str))

    # add legend to chart
        loc='lower center', 
        bbox_to_anchor=(0., -0.2, 0.95, .1)
width = 40 # width of chart
height = 10 # height of chart

categories = df_dsn.index.values # categories
values = df_dsn['Total'] # correponding values of categories

colormap = # color map class

create_waffle_chart(categories, values, height, width, colormap)

Word Clouds

import numpy as np  # useful for many scientific computing in Python
import pandas as pd # primary data structure library

%matplotlib inline

import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.patches as mpatches # needed for waffle Charts'ggplot') # optional: for ggplot-like style

# check for latest version of Matplotlib
print ('Matplotlib version: ', mpl.__version__) # >= 2.0.0

df_can = pd.read_excel(
    sheet_name='Canada by Citizenship',

# clean up the dataset to remove unnecessary columns (eg. REG) 
df_can.drop(['AREA','REG','DEV','Type','Coverage'], axis = 1, inplace = True)

# let's rename the columns so that they make sense
df_can.rename (columns = {'OdName':'Country', 'AreaName':'Continent','RegName':'Region'}, inplace = True)

# for sake of consistency, let's also make all column labels of type string
df_can.columns = list(map(str, df_can.columns))

# set the country name as index - useful for quickly looking up countries using .loc method
df_can.set_index('Country', inplace = True)

# add total column
df_can['Total'] =  df_can.sum (axis = 1)

# years that we will be using in this lesson - useful for plotting later on
years = list(map(str, range(1980, 2014)))
print ('data dimensions:', df_can.shape)

total_immigration = df_can['Total'].sum()
# total_immigration

max_words = 90
word_string = ''
for country in df_can.index.values:
    # check if country's name is a single-word name
    if country.count(" ") == 0:
        repeat_num_times = int(df_can.loc[country, 'Total'] / total_immigration * max_words)
        word_string = word_string + ((country + ' ') * repeat_num_times)

# display the generated text
# word_string

# create the word cloud
wordcloud = WordCloud(background_color='white').generate(word_string)

# print('Word cloud created!')

# display the cloud
plt.figure(figsize=(14, 18))

plt.imshow(wordcloud, interpolation='bilinear')

Seaborn and Regression Plots

df_dsn_tot = pd.DataFrame(df_dsn[years].sum(axis=0))

# change the years to type float (useful for regression later on)
df_dsn_tot.index = map(float, df_dsn_tot.index)

# reset the index to put in back in as a column in the df_tot dataframe

# rename columns
df_dsn_tot.columns = ['year', 'total']

# view the final dataframe

plt.figure(figsize=(15, 10))


ax = sns.regplot(x='year', y='total', data=df_dsn_tot, color='green', marker='+', scatter_kws={'s': 200})
ax.set(xlabel='Year', ylabel='Total Immigration')
ax.set_title('Total Immigration from Denmark, Sweden, and Norway to Canada from 1980 - 2013')

Jupyter Notebook: Waffle Charts, Word Clouds and Regression Plots

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Creating Maps and Visualizing Geospatial Data

folium builds on the data wrangling strengths of the Python ecosystem and the mapping strengths of the leaflet.js library. Manipulate your data in Python, then visualize it in on a Leaflet map via folium.

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
import pandas as pd
import folium

df_can = pd.read_excel(
    sheet_name='Canada by Citizenship',

# clean up the dataset to remove unnecessary columns (eg. REG) 
df_can.drop(['AREA','REG','DEV','Type','Coverage'], axis=1, inplace=True)

# let's rename the columns so that they make sense
df_can.rename(columns={'OdName':'Country', 'AreaName':'Continent','RegName':'Region'}, inplace=True)

# for sake of consistency, let's also make all column labels of type string
df_can.columns = list(map(str, df_can.columns))

# add total column
df_can['Total'] = df_can.sum(axis=1)

# years that we will be using in this lesson - useful for plotting later on
years = list(map(str, range(1980, 2014)))
print ('data dimensions:', df_can.shape)

# create a plain world map
world_map = folium.Map(location=[0, 0], zoom_start=2)
import json
world_geo = json.load(open('world_countries.json'))

# generate choropleth map using the total immigration of each country to Canada from 1980 to 2013
    columns=['Country', 'Total'],
    legend_name='Immigration to Canada'

# display map

Jupyter Notebook: Generating Maps in Python (Folium)

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Creating Dashboards with Plotly and Dash

Web-based dashboarding tools:

See also: Dashboarding tools

Additional useful resources:


If Plotly Express does not provide a good starting point, it is possible to use the more generic go.Scatter class from plotly.graph_objects. Whereas has two functions scatter and line, go.Scatter can be used both for plotting points (makers) or lines, depending on the value of mode. The different options of go.Scatter are documented in its reference page.

Read: Scatter and line plots with go.Scatter

# using plotly
import pandas as pd
import as px
import plotly.graph_objects as go

airline_data =  pd.read_csv('airline_data.csv',
                            encoding = "ISO-8859-1",
                            dtype={'Div1Airport': str, 'Div1TailNum': str, 
                                   'Div2Airport': str, 'Div2TailNum': str})
print("Data Shape:", airline_data.shape)
df_sample500 = airline_data.sample(n=500, random_state=42)
# df_sample500.head()
print("Sample Shape:", df_sample500.shape)
Data Shape: (27000, 110)
Sample Shape: (500, 110)

How departure time changes with respect to airport distance

# First we create a figure using go.Figure and adding trace to it through go.scatter
fig = go.Figure(data=go.Scatter(x=df_sample500['Distance'], 
# Updating layout through `update_layout`. Here we are adding title to the plot and providing title to x and y axis.
fig.update_layout(title='Distance vs Departure Time', 
# Display the figure

Extract average monthly arrival delay time and see how it changes over the year

# Group the data by Month and compute average over arrival delay time.
line_data = df_sample500.groupby('Month')['ArrDelay'].mean().reset_index()
# Display the data
# Scatter and line plot vary by updating mode parameter.
fig = go.Figure(data=go.Scatter(x=line_data['Month'], 
fig.update_layout(title='Monthly Averaged Delay Time', 

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Bar Charts

Extract number of flights from a specific airline that goes to a destination

# Group the data by destination state and reporting airline. Compute total number of flights in each combination
bar_data = df_sample500.groupby(['DestState'])['Flights'].sum().reset_index()

# Use plotly express bar chart function Provide input data, x and y axis variable, and title of the chart.
# This will give total number of flights to the destination state.
fig =, x="DestState", y="Flights", 
             title='Total number of flights to the destination state split by reporting airline')

Get number of flights as per reporting airline

Bubble Charts

A bubble chart is a scatter plot in which a third dimension of the data is shown through the size of markers. For other types of scatter plot, see the scatter plot documentation.

Get number of flights as per reporting airline

# Group the data by reporting airline and get number of flights
bub_data = df_sample500.groupby('Reporting_Airline')['Flights'].sum().reset_index()

fig = px.scatter(bub_data, x="Reporting_Airline", y="Flights", 
                 title='Number of flights as per reporting airline')


Get distribution of arrival delay

# Set missing values to 0
df_sample500['ArrDelay'] = df_sample500['ArrDelay'].fillna(0)
fig = px.histogram(df_sample500, x="ArrDelay", 
                   title="Distribution of Arrival Delay")

Pie Chart

Proportion of distance group by month (month indicated by numbers)

# Use px.pie function to create the chart. Input dataset. 
# Values parameter will set values associated to the sector. 'Month' feature is passed to it.
# labels for the sector are passed to the `names` parameter.
fig = px.pie(df_sample500, values='Month', names='DistanceGroup', 
             title='Distance group proportion by month')

Sunburst Charts

Hierarchical view in the order of month and destination state holding value of number of flights

fig = px.sunburst(df_sample500, path=['Month', 'DestStateName'], values='Flights', 
                  title="State Holding Value of Number of Flights by Month and Destination")

Jupyter Notebook: Plotly Basics

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Dash Basics

# Import required packages
import pandas as pd
import as px
import dash
import dash_html_components as html
import dash_core_components as dcc

# Read the airline data into pandas dataframe
airline_data =  pd.read_csv('airline_data.csv', 
                            encoding = "ISO-8859-1",
                            dtype={'Div1Airport': str, 'Div1TailNum': str, 
                                   'Div2Airport': str, 'Div2TailNum': str})

# Randomly sample 500 data points. Setting the random state to be 42 so that we get same result.
data = airline_data.sample(n=500, random_state=42)

# Pie Chart Creation
fig_pie = px.pie(data, values='Flights', names='DistanceGroup', title='Distance group proportion by flights')
fig_sunburst = px.sunburst(data, path=['Month', 'DestStateName'], values='Flights', 
                  title="State Holding Value of Number of Flights by Month and Destination")

# Create a dash application
app = dash.Dash(__name__)

# Get the layout of the application and adjust it.
# Create an outer division using html.Div and add title to the dashboard using html.H1 component
# Add description about the graph using HTML P (paragraph) component
# Finally, add graph component.
app.layout = html.Div([
       html.H1('Airline Dashboard',
               style={'textAlign': 'center', 
                      'color': '#503D36', 
                      'font-size': 40}),
       html.P('Proportion of distance group (250 mile distance interval group) by flights.', 
              style={'textAlign':'center', 'color': '#F57241'}),
       html.P('Hierarchical view in the order of month and destination state holding value of number of flights.', 
              style={'textAlign':'center', 'color': '#F57241'}),

# Run the application                   
if __name__ == '__main__':

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Make dashboards interactive (Dash Callbacks)

A callback function is a python function that is automatically called by Dash whenever an input component’s property changes. Callback function is decorated with @app.callback decorator. (decorators wrap a function, modifying its behavior.)

# Import required libraries
import pandas as pd
import plotly.graph_objects as go
import dash
import dash_html_components as html
import dash_core_components as dcc
from dash.dependencies import Input, Output

# Read the airline data into pandas dataframe
airline_data =  pd.read_csv('airline_data.csv', 
                            encoding = "ISO-8859-1",
                            dtype={'Div1Airport': str, 'Div1TailNum': str, 
                                   'Div2Airport': str, 'Div2TailNum': str})

# Create a dash application
app = dash.Dash(__name__)

# Get the layout of the application and adjust it.
# Create an outer division using html.Div and add title to the dashboard using html.H1 component
# Add a html.Div and core input text component
# Finally, add graph component.
app.layout = html.Div(children=[
        html.H1("Airline Performance Dashboard",
                style={'textAlign': 'center', 
                        'color': '#503D36', 
                        'font-size': 40}),
        html.Div(["Input Year", 
                            style={'height': '50px', 
                                'font-size': 35}),], 
                style={'font-size': 40}),

# add callback decorator
@app.callback(Output(component_id='line-plot', component_property='figure'),
               Input(component_id='input-year', component_property='value'))

# Add computation to callback function and return graph
def get_graph(entered_year):
    # Select data based on the entered year
    df =  airline_data[airline_data['Year']==int(entered_year)]

    # Group the data by Month and compute average over arrival delay time.
    line_data = df.groupby('Month')['ArrDelay'].mean().reset_index()

    fig = go.Figure(data=go.Scatter(x=line_data['Month'],
    fig.update_layout(title='Month vs Average Flight Delay Time',
    return fig

# Run the app
if __name__ == '__main__':

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More Outputs

Analyze flight delays in a dashboard.

Dashboard Components

# Import required libraries
import pandas as pd
import plotly.graph_objects as go
import dash
# import dash_html_components as html
# import dash_core_components as dcc
from dash import dcc
from dash import html
from dash.dependencies import Input, Output
import as px

# Read the airline data into pandas dataframe
airline_data =  pd.read_csv('airline_data.csv', 
                            encoding = "ISO-8859-1",
                            dtype={'Div1Airport': str, 'Div1TailNum': str, 
                                   'Div2Airport': str, 'Div2TailNum': str})

# Create a dash application
app = dash.Dash(__name__)

# Build dash app layout
app.layout = html.Div(children=[
        html.H1('Flight Delay Time Statistics',
                style={'textAlign': 'left', 
                        'color': '#503D36', 
                        'font-size': 30}),
        html.Div(["Input Year: ", 
                            style={'height': '35px', 
                                'font-size': 30}),], 
        style={'font-size': 30}),
        ], style={'display': 'flex'}),

        ], style={'display': 'flex'}),

        html.Div(dcc.Graph(id='late-plot'), style={'width':'50%'})

""" Compute_info function description

This function takes in airline data and selected year as an input and performs computation for creating charts and plots.

    airline_data: Input airline data.
    entered_year: Input year for which computation needs to be performed.

    Computed average dataframes for carrier delay, weather delay, NAS delay, security delay, and late aircraft delay.

def compute_info(airline_data, entered_year):
    # Select data
    df =  airline_data[airline_data['Year']==int(entered_year)]
    # Compute delay averages
    avg_car = df.groupby(['Month','Reporting_Airline'])['CarrierDelay'].mean().reset_index()
    avg_weather = df.groupby(['Month','Reporting_Airline'])['WeatherDelay'].mean().reset_index()
    avg_NAS = df.groupby(['Month','Reporting_Airline'])['NASDelay'].mean().reset_index()
    avg_sec = df.groupby(['Month','Reporting_Airline'])['SecurityDelay'].mean().reset_index()
    avg_late = df.groupby(['Month','Reporting_Airline'])['LateAircraftDelay'].mean().reset_index()
    return avg_car, avg_weather, avg_NAS, avg_sec, avg_late

# Callback decorator
@app.callback( [
               Output(component_id='carrier-plot', component_property='figure'),
               Output(component_id='weather-plot', component_property='figure'),
               Output(component_id='nas-plot', component_property='figure'),
               Output(component_id='security-plot', component_property='figure'),
               Output(component_id='late-plot', component_property='figure'),
               Input(component_id='input-year', component_property='value'))
# Computation to callback function and return graph
def get_graph(entered_year):

    # Compute required information for creating graph from the data
    avg_car, avg_weather, avg_NAS, avg_sec, avg_late = compute_info(airline_data, entered_year)

    # Line plot for carrier delay
    carrier_fig = px.line(avg_car, 
                          title='Average carrier delay time (minutes) by airline')
    # Line plot for weather delay
    weather_fig = px.line(avg_weather, 
                          title='Average weather delay time (minutes) by airline')
    # Line plot for nas delay
    nas_fig = px.line(avg_NAS, 
                        title='Average NAS delay time (minutes) by airline')
    # Line plot for security delay
    sec_fig = px.line(avg_sec, 
                        title='Average security delay time (minutes) by airline')
    # Line plot for late aircraft delay
    late_fig = px.line(avg_late, 
                          title='Average late aircraft delay time (minutes) by airline')

    return[carrier_fig, weather_fig, nas_fig, sec_fig, late_fig]

# Run the app
if __name__ == '__main__':

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Dashboard Summary

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Dash Auto Practice

import pandas as pd
import dash
import dash_html_components as html
import dash_core_components as dcc
from dash.dependencies import Input, Output, State
import plotly.graph_objects as go
import as px
from dash import no_update

app = dash.Dash(__name__)

# REVIEW1: Clear the layout and do not display exception till callback gets executed
app.config.suppress_callback_exceptions = True

# Read the automobiles data into pandas dataframe
auto_data =  pd.read_csv('automobileEDA.csv', 
                            encoding = "ISO-8859-1",

#Layout Section of Dash

app.layout = html.Div(children=[#TASK 3A
    html.H1('Car Automobile Components', 
            style={'textAlign': 'center', 
                    'color': '#503D36',
                    'font-size': 24}),
    #outer division starts
        # First inner divsion for  adding dropdown helper text for Selected Drive wheels
            #TASK 3B
            html.H2('Drive Wheels Type:', style={'margin-right': '2em'}),

        #TASK 3C
                    {'label': 'Rear Wheel Drive', 'value': 'rwd'},
                    {'label': 'Front Wheel Drive', 'value': 'fwd'},
                    {'label': 'Four Wheel Drive', 'value': '4wd'}
        #Second Inner division for adding 2 inner divisions for 2 output graphs 
            #TASK 3D
            html.Div([ ], id='plot1'),
            html.Div([ ], id='plot2')

        ], style={'display': 'flex'}),

    #outer division ends

#layout ends

#Place to add @app.callback Decorator
@app.callback([Output(component_id='plot1', component_property='children'),
               Output(component_id='plot2', component_property='children')],
               Input(component_id='demo-dropdown', component_property='value'))
#Place to define the callback function .
def display_selected_drive_charts(value):
    filtered_df = auto_data[auto_data['drive-wheels']==value].\

    fig1 = px.pie(filtered_df, values='price', names='body-style', title="Pie Chart")
    fig2 =, x='body-style', y='price', title='Bar Chart')

    return [dcc.Graph(figure=fig1), dcc.Graph(figure=fig2)]

if __name__ == '__main__':

Dash Airline

# Import required libraries
import pandas as pd
import dash
import dash_html_components as html
import dash_core_components as dcc
from dash.dependencies import Input, Output, State
import plotly.graph_objects as go
import as px
from dash import no_update

# Create a dash application
app = dash.Dash(__name__)

# REVIEW1: Clear the layout and do not display exception till callback gets executed
app.config.suppress_callback_exceptions = True

# Read the airline data into pandas dataframe
airline_data =  pd.read_csv('airline_data.csv', 
                            encoding = "ISO-8859-1",
                            dtype={'Div1Airport': str, 'Div1TailNum': str, 
                                   'Div2Airport': str, 'Div2TailNum': str})

# List of years 
year_list = [i for i in range(2005, 2021, 1)]

"""Compute graph data for creating yearly airline performance report 
Function that takes airline data as input and create 5 dataframes based on 
the grouping condition to be used for plotting charts and graphs.

    df: Filtered dataframe
   Dataframes to create graph. 
def compute_data_choice_1(df):
    # Cancellation Category Count
    bar_data = df.groupby(['Month','CancellationCode'])['Flights'].sum().reset_index()
    # Average flight time by reporting airline
    line_data = df.groupby(['Month','Reporting_Airline'])['AirTime'].mean().reset_index()
    # Diverted Airport Landings
    div_data = df[df['DivAirportLandings'] != 0.0]
    # Source state count
    map_data = df.groupby(['OriginState'])['Flights'].sum().reset_index()
    # Destination state count
    tree_data = df.groupby(['DestState', 'Reporting_Airline'])['Flights'].sum().reset_index()
    return bar_data, line_data, div_data, map_data, tree_data

"""Compute graph data for creating yearly airline delay report
This function takes in airline data and selected year as an input 
and performs computation for creating charts and plots.

    df: Input airline data.
    Computed average dataframes for carrier delay, weather delay, NAS delay, security delay, and late aircraft delay.
def compute_data_choice_2(df):
    # Compute delay averages
    avg_car = df.groupby(['Month','Reporting_Airline'])['CarrierDelay'].mean().reset_index()
    avg_weather = df.groupby(['Month','Reporting_Airline'])['WeatherDelay'].mean().reset_index()
    avg_NAS = df.groupby(['Month','Reporting_Airline'])['NASDelay'].mean().reset_index()
    avg_sec = df.groupby(['Month','Reporting_Airline'])['SecurityDelay'].mean().reset_index()
    avg_late = df.groupby(['Month','Reporting_Airline'])['LateAircraftDelay'].mean().reset_index()
    return avg_car, avg_weather, avg_NAS, avg_sec, avg_late

# Application layout
app.layout = html.Div(children=
        # TASK1: Add title to the dashboard
        # Enter your code below. Make sure you have correct formatting.

        html.H1('US Domestic Airline Flights Performance',
                style={'textAlign': 'center', 
                        'color': '#503D36', 
                        'font-size': 24}),

        # REVIEW2: Dropdown creation
        # Create an outer division 
                # Add an division
                        # Create an division for adding dropdown helper text for report type
                                html.H2('Report Type:', style={'margin-right': '2em'}),
                        # TASK2: Add a dropdown
                        # Enter your code below. Make sure you have correct formatting.
                                    {'label': 'Yearly Airline Performance Report', 'value': 'OPT1'},
                                    {'label': 'Yearly Airline Delay Report', 'value': 'OPT2'}
                            placeholder='Select a report type',
                            style={'width': '80%', 'padding': '3px', 'font-size': '20px', 'text-align-last': 'center'}
                    # Place them next to each other using the division style
                # Add next division 
                        # Create an division for adding dropdown helper text for choosing year
                                html.H2('Choose Year:', style={'margin-right': '2em'})
                            # Update dropdown values using list comphrehension
                            options=[{'label': i, 'value': i} for i in year_list],
                            placeholder="Select a year",
                            style={'width':'80%', 'padding':'3px', 'font-size': '20px', 'text-align-last' : 'center'}),
                            # Place them next to each other using the division style
                    style={'display': 'flex'}
        # Add Computed graphs
        # REVIEW3: Observe how we add an empty division and providing an id that will be updated during callback
        html.Div([ ], id='plot1'),

                html.Div([ ], id='plot2'),
                html.Div([ ], id='plot3')
            style={'display': 'flex'}
        # TASK3: Add a division with two empty divisions inside. See above disvision for example.
        # Enter your code below. Make sure you have correct formatting.
                html.Div([ ], id='plot4'),
                html.Div([ ], id='plot5')
            style={'display': 'flex'}

# Callback function definition
# TASK4: Add 5 ouput components
# Enter your code below. Make sure you have correct formatting.
        Output(component_id='plot1', component_property='children'),
        Output(component_id='plot2', component_property='children'),
        Output(component_id='plot3', component_property='children'),
        Output(component_id='plot4', component_property='children'),
        Output(component_id='plot5', component_property='children')
        Input(component_id='input-type', component_property='value'),
        Input(component_id='input-year', component_property='value')
    # REVIEW4: Holding output state till user enters all the form information. In this case, it will be chart type and year
        State("plot1", 'children'), 
        State("plot2", "children"),
        State("plot3", "children"), 
        State("plot4", "children"),
        State("plot5", "children")
# Add computation to callback function and return graph
def get_graph(chart, year, children1, children2, c3, c4, c5):
        # Select data
        df =  airline_data[airline_data['Year']==int(year)]
        if chart == 'OPT1':
            # Compute required information for creating graph from the data
            bar_data, line_data, div_data, map_data, tree_data = compute_data_choice_1(df)
            # Number of flights under different cancellation categories
            bar_fig =, x='Month', y='Flights', color='CancellationCode', 
                    title='Monthly Flight Cancellation')
            # TASK5: Average flight time by reporting airline
            # Enter your code below. Make sure you have correct formatting.
            line_fig = px.line(line_data, x='Month', y='AirTime', color='Reporting_Airline', 
                    title='Average monthly flight time (minutes) by airline')
            # Percentage of diverted airport landings per reporting airline
            pie_fig = px.pie(div_data, 
                    title='% of flights by reporting airline'
            # REVIEW5: Number of flights flying from each state using choropleth
            map_fig = px.choropleth(map_data,  # Input data
                    hover_data=['OriginState', 'Flights'], 
                    locationmode = 'USA-states', # Set to plot as US States
                    range_color=[0, map_data['Flights'].max()]

                    title_text = 'Number of flights from origin state', 
                ) # Plot only the USA instead of globe
            # TASK6: Number of flights flying to each state from each reporting airline
            # Enter your code below. Make sure you have correct formatting.
            tree_fig = px.treemap(tree_data, path=['DestState', 'Reporting_Airline'], 
                    title='Flight count by airline to destination state'
            # REVIEW6: Return dcc.Graph component to the empty division
            return [dcc.Graph(figure=tree_fig), 
            # REVIEW7: This covers chart type 2 and we have completed this exercise under Flight Delay Time Statistics Dashboard section
            # Compute required information for creating graph from the data
            avg_car, avg_weather, avg_NAS, avg_sec, avg_late = compute_data_choice_2(df)
            # Create graph
            carrier_fig = px.line(avg_car, x='Month', y='CarrierDelay', color='Reporting_Airline', title='Average carrrier delay time (minutes) by airline')
            weather_fig = px.line(avg_weather, x='Month', y='WeatherDelay', color='Reporting_Airline', title='Average weather delay time (minutes) by airline')
            nas_fig = px.line(avg_NAS, x='Month', y='NASDelay', color='Reporting_Airline', title='Average NAS delay time (minutes) by airline')
            sec_fig = px.line(avg_sec, x='Month', y='SecurityDelay', color='Reporting_Airline', title='Average security delay time (minutes) by airline')
            late_fig = px.line(avg_late, x='Month', y='LateAircraftDelay', color='Reporting_Airline', title='Average late aircraft delay time (minutes) by airline')

# Run the app
if __name__ == '__main__':

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