15. 3Sum
Given an integer array nums, return all the triplets
[nums[i], nums[j], nums[k]]
such thati != j
,i != k
, andj != k
, andnums[i] + nums[j] + nums[k] == 0
.Notice that the solution set must not contain duplicate triplets.
Main ideas:
- sort the list
- traverse the list from left to right
- for each element, go through the list after it from two ends of the list
- determine how to increment each step by the sign of the sum of the three numbers
- for inner iteration, skip same numbers if we get triplets
- for outer iteration, skip same numbers
class Solution1:
def threeSum(self, nums: List[int]) -> List[List[int]]:
res = []
i = 0
for i in range(len(nums)):
if i > 0 and nums[i] == nums[i-1]:
j, k = i + 1, len(nums)-1
while j < k:
x = nums[i] + nums[j] + nums[k]
if x > 0:
k -= 1
elif x < 0:
j += 1
else: # x == 0
res.append([nums[i], nums[j], nums[k]])
j += 1
while nums[j] == nums[j-1] and j < k: j += 1
return res