Zsh(Z shell)是一个Unix shell,旨在成为流行的Bash shell的一个交互式和强大的替代品。它是一个开源的shell,可用于大多数基于Unix的操作系统,包括Linux和macOS,已成为macOS默认的shell。

Zsh(Z shell)是一个Unix shell,旨在成为流行的Bash shell的一个交互式和强大的替代品。它是一个开源的shell,可用于大多数基于Unix的操作系统,包括Linux和macOS,已成为macOS默认的shell。
Nginx(发音为 “engine x”)是一个高性能的Web服务器和反向代理服务器,也可以作为一个负载平衡器、HTTP缓存和邮件代理服务器。它被设计用来处理大量的并发连接,而内存使用量却很低,这使得它成为高流量网站的热门选择。
The Detroit River, the Ambassador Bridge, the Windsor Sculpture Park and the Canada geese.
A few days ago I migrated this blog to Hugo from Jekyll and employed a beautiful theme called Even, a concise and powerful hugo theme, which fascinated me so much until I came across another graceful and exquisite hugo theme called Tranquilpeak
GitHub is not only a cool community for developers who can create teams, share code, and even make friends, but it also provides free tools for people who like to toss around ideas.